If you live near Seattle, you should come out to Ignite Seattle 7 on August 3rd at the King Cat Theater, 7-11pm. I'll be doing a talk that night called "Where Goldfish Come From." Ignite Seattle (like other Ignite events) is a night for speakers to present for 5 minutes using 20 slides that display for 15 seconds each. It's similar to the Pecha Kucha format. I'll be one of over 10 speakers that night.
You might ask - goldfish? Why goldfish? Well, goldfish happen to be a very important part of my life. Here's a quick description from the Ignite website:
Everyone knows goldfish and koi, but very few have ever thought about where they come from – how they are bred, raised, transported, etc. I know these things like the back of my hand. Since 1968, my family in North Carolina has owned and operated one of the largest fish hatcheries in the US. Blue Ridge Fish Hatchery raises and sells goldfish and Koi – millions of fish a year.
I hope we'll see you at Ignite!