I think there is a neat thing happening on Nancy's blog; a transparent transition of a person who is in the middle of an online make-over. She recently posted "A diary of blog-crazed woman", which is here review of her recent foray into the weblog world.
Unlike many new bloggers, Nancy already has an online audience in the form of her venerable "online facilitation" email group. In her case, starting a weblog brings up a number of unique questions about where to put her "stuff".
What goes on the weblog? What gets posted to the email group? How will the email group change as the list owner starts a weblog? Will it change? Will they co-exist? How?
Lucky for us, Nancy is great about reflection and transparency, so we get to see how this plays out. It looks like she's getting a good handle on it...
Guidance for you, gentle readers: If you want content, links, and leads, the blog may be the way to go. If you want questions, discussions and messy wonderful conundrums, the interactive nature of the list seems better suited. In any case, I'm having a bit of trouble juggling both. And where do comments and back channel email stimulated by either tool go in this classification scheme (I think about 40 so far)? Grin.