Weblog as Corporate Information Service

Michael Angeles has posted an interesting entry on how weblogs and RSS may be used as an information service within a company. Along with the possibilties, he also provides some well-grounded thoughts on how to get people to be webloggers:

The environment has to be right. Potential bloggers can't be forced into this role, but must be willing to fall gently into it. Potential bloggers should be selected among those that have the appropriate skills and subject area exposure for the topics you want to cover. If these (and other important factors that I haven't identified yet) are in place, perhaps this can happen. Perhaps we can employ librarians/indexers as bloggers.


I'm inclined to agree that if you want to tap the potential of the knowledge worker to create/contribute/share knowledge, you have to spend a lot of time making sure the environment makes them feel enabled/empowered/rewarded for doing so.

Via: Column Two